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Interesting facts about coins
Numismatics cannot be considered separately from historical science. Actually, numismatics and the history of coins. For centuries, mankind accumulate experience of operations with currency. Before you settle in our wallets-sounding coins, the money's going through an interesting path of development. We offer you a selection of the most amazing facts, telling mankind about the history of commodity-money relations.
The history of the name
If you start from the beginning, that you should go to Ancient Rome. Workshops on the minting of money was located near the temple of the goddess Juno, the Coin (lat. Juno Moneta), counselor of the Supreme God Jupiter. With a light hand of the market traders in money are called coins. For their coinage used was the traditional Apennine bronze and copper. Cast round aes grave coins were replaced by bronze bars around the IV century BC as the Romans attributed the invention of coins to the God Janus (deity of all beginnings), on the obverse ACCA they portrayed the two-faced Janus.
The history of coins in Russia
In Russia, coin circulation began since the time of statehood. The first Slavonic settlements to the VIII - IX centuries together with overseas products appeared the foreign money silver dirhams, gold dinars.
Later, with the development of trade relations with Byzantium, the merchants began to bring to Russia the gold solidi, silver migliaresi, copper policy.
To mint their own coins began Vladimir the Great at the turn of X-XI centuries, and they were called the gold. Their design was copied from the Byzantine solidus, the weight was also the same - 4 grams of gold.
Since the TWELFTH century began coinless period during which to commit significant trading operations used silver ingots - rubles. Before the overthrow of the Golden Horde yoke, the Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy begins to mint its own coins, though still with the name of Uzbek Khan on the reverse.
A significant contribution to the formation of the monetary system in Russia was played by the reform of Ivan the terrible. It was during his reign began the centralized minting new coins - cents. Its name they got from the one shown on the front side of the rider (Grand Duke) with a spear in his hand.
Machine minting of coins begun under Peter I, which greatly influenced the further development of the monetary system of the Russian state. Was established the state monopoly on minting coins, small change introduced one copper mite. The basis of moneyscience was based on the decimal principle, when 1 ruble = 10 dimes = 100 kopecks = 200 money. In short, summed up the financial basis for strengthening and centralizing state power.
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