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2020-06-09 Other articles >

The theme of space flights in the Middle ages

'What is the space in the middle Ages!' - shout You. - 'There would fit with the Inquisition deal but hand soap learning to wash!' Really advanced minds at that time was already busy looking for answers to the questions of the universe, including 'firm is the sky?' and 'why can't people fly?' The theme of space flight has fascinated mankind since the times of the great Leonardo da Vinci.

The Medieval period was marked not only by a hypothetical flying witch, but in the first development of the ornithopter in the performance of the great scientist. Leaving to posterity their encrypted messages, a genius, and could not imagine that in 500 years mankind will make their first steps in earth orbit, and the first astronauts will fly steel spaceships.

Коллекция марок Леонардо до Винчи

30 фр. 1952 - Леонардо да Винчи

Country : Франция
Denomination : 30 франков
Year : 1952
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30+15 gr, 1952 - Леонардо да Винчи

Country : Польша
Denomination : 30+15 гроши
Year : 1952
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80 лир, 1952 - Леонардо да Винчи

Country : Италия
Denomination : 80 лир
Year : 1952
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Meanwhile, in view of da Vinci's flying man was bound with large artificial wings'. To this question he devoted his key studies, observing the mechanics of bird wings. In the view of the da Vinci man could soar above the earth, using the mechanics of bird wings. However age of 16 brought about changes in the views of Leonardo. In their meteorological and aerodynamic studies made in Tuscany from 1503 to 1506 years, da Vinci comes to a conclusion about the possibility of 'flying without moving the wings'. Like 'dry leaf', a person can float in the air using the power of air flow. But there is already a space not far off.
'Mountains' conquered Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus, who developed in their teaching the topic of aerodynamics. Rob Lands the title of 'center of the Universe', Copernicus was not afraid to challenge the established system, backed by its fundamental scientific research. Emerged in II century distant geocentric cosmology for 13 (!) centuries are not subjected to any scientific criticism. Closely fused with anthropocentrism ('man - center of the universe') and adapted to Christianity, the geocentric theory was a convenient and, most importantly, beneficial to the powerful.
Become the author of the heliocentric system of the world, Copernicus created the conditions for further scientific progress. Heliocentrism opened the way stellar astronomy and cosmology, allow humanity to get in the way of serious scientific research, discoveries and inventions.

Коллекция марок Николай Коперник

10 к. 1973 - Николай Коперник

Country : Союз Советских Социалистических Республик
Denomination : 10 коп
Year : 1973
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40 dm 1973 - Николай Коперник

Country : Западная Германия
Denomination : 40 нем. марок
Year : 1973
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60 gr 1964 - Николай Коперник

Country : Польша
Denomination : 60 гроши
Year : 1964
Print run :
Printing process :
Paper :
Perforation :
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