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2020-10-29 Other articles >

3 rubles Konshin sample 1905

how the state Bank Manager stored grain

The state credit card with a nominal value of 3 rubles of the 1905 model signed by A.V. Konshin was issued in circulation during the years when Alexey Vladimirovich headed the State Bank of the Russian Empire (1910-1914). The time was relatively quiet-without wars and revolutions, and the state Bank staff found time to deal not only with their immediate duties, but also, by today's standards, very strange things from the point of view of a professional banker.

Can you imagine that the main Bank of the country built granaries that received the status of independent territorial branches of the state Bank? So it was under the leadership of A.V. Konshin.
In 1910, the export of agricultural products, mainly grain, provided 86 % of Russia's export revenue, and it was grain exports that provided the inflow of monetary gold to the country, the monetary system of which was transferred by the reform of S. Yu. Witte in 1895-1897 to the gold standard.

Grain Russia exported the most in the world-more than Canada and Argentina, but a lot was lost due to storage and spoilage during transportation around the country. The question was: if we want to increase the flow of gold to the country, we must better store the grain crop.
November 25, 1910 The Council of Ministers approved the proposal of the Minister of Finance V. N. Kokovtsov to build a network of state-owned elevators in the amount of 84 (!) units. The Ministry of Finance proposed to assign this task to the state Bank, providing for only financing, but not operational management of this event.

To implement the decision of the Council of Ministers, the state Bank created a Department of granaries, which supervised not only the construction, but also the operation of the constructed elevators. And already on November 18, 1912, the country's chief banker A.V. Konshin inaugurated a new branch of the state Bank-an Elevator at the Mud station of the South-Eastern Railways.
We must admit that the bankers not only took care of silos, separators and scales. A system of warrants (double storage certificates) was introduced at grain elevators, which allows farmers to Deposit grain in one storage facility (the nearest one) and then receive grain of similar quality from another storage facility – for example, in a port for loading on sea vessels.

The Bank always remains a Bank: in addition to income for services in storage, sorting, cleaning and drying of grain, Elevator branches issued loans secured by stored grain, crediting farmers for turnover.

On 3 rubles of the 1905 model signed by A.V. Konshin-my NC 367753-there is information about the gold content of the banknote. And for some reason, they did not consider it necessary to mention the' grain supply ' of the Russian ruble.

However, the importance of gold A.V. Konshin had a chance to make sure in 1919-1920, when he was on behalf of A.V. Kolchak accompanied part of the gold reserves of the Russian Empire to Japan to ensure the supply of weapons to the white guards.

3 рубля Коншина образца 1905 года

3 рубля 1905 г.

Country : Российская империя
Denomination : 3 рубль
Year : 1905
Quantity :
Issuer :
Series :
Valid from :
Valid till :
Cancelled :
Alexander R.

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